AZA SAFE Programs
The Brandywine Zoo is a program partner of several AZA SAFE programs
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) program is a framework that focuses the collective expertise within accredited zoos and aquariums and leverages their massive audiences to save species.
Together AZA’s SAFE programs are saving the most vulnerable wildlife species from extinction and protecting them for future generations. The mission of SAFE is to combine the power of zoo and aquarium visitors with the resources and collective expertise of AZA members and partners to save animals from extinction. Our work with the African Vultures SAFE program includes supporting education and outreach, capacity-building, and fundraising.
North American Monarch SAFE
In 2020, we joined the North American Monarch SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) program. This is a coalition of more than 100 AZA accredited zoos and aquariums, plus monarch-focused nonprofit organizations working to save the North American monarch butterfly.
What the zoo is doing
Throughout the zoo we grow butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), a species of milkweed that monarchs need to complete their life cycle, as well as other plants that are naive to Delaware. From the windows at our honey bee exhibit, guests can see our largest pollinator garden that was planted in 2022. It contains another species of milkweed (swamp) and native nectar plants. These sites serve as important way stations for a variety of pollinators to refuel on nectar and reproduce.
During peak migration and planting seasons we host native plant sales to promote use in home gardens for migrating monarchs. This also serves as a way to educate the public on the importance of native plants in backyard spaces. The money generated from these plant sales go to the Delaware Zoological Society’s Conservation fund.
Each fall, we spend a day highlighting monarch butterflies and their multi-national connection. Adults monarchs in Canada and the US migrate to Mexico and winter in oyamel fir forests. At Brandywine Zoo, we celebrate this amazing feat during Mighty Monarch Day. Story book readings and dance performances take place on the stage. Conservation organizations are on hand to teach about the amazing insect and vendors sell themed wares. Guests can get creative by participating in the Symbolic Migration Project and making crafts.
Since 2021, we have been participating in the M3 Monarch Migration Study led by the University of Michigan. This project utilizes Onset HOBO MX 2202 data loggers to collect light, pressure, and temperature data. The information gathered helps researchers determine the daily flight paths of individual monarch butterflies. By using these new technologies, we can better track Monarchs’ migration and protect their migration routes.
In 2023, we began conducting observations for the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a citizen science project by the University of Wisconsin – Madison Arboretum and Monarch Joint Venture. Each week through summer and early fall, staff inspect the milkweed plants on grounds for monarchs at any stage of the butterfly life cycle. Other data, such as temperature, rainfall, milkweed health, and the species of flowers in bloom, is also recorded. The data is submitted by participants across the country and has been used in numerous research studies on monarch butterfly conservation.
What you can do
Plant Native Milkweed
Milkweed is a host plant for monarch butterflies, and native milkweed plants are the best choice to help feed and rear the next generation of monarchs. Adults lay their eggs on milkweed and monarch caterpillars feed on the plants. Find free milkweed plants at Monarch Watch, Live Monarch, or Grow Milkweed Plants.
Find out what to plant using the National Wildlife Federation’s native plant finder . This useful website lists the best pollinator plants for your site based on your zip code.
Harvest your pesticide-free milkweed seed pods and donate them to the zoo! We will save them to give away to guests during programs or grow plants for giveaways or at our native plant sale. Save mature, dry pods by storing them in a moisture free bag or learn to harvest seeds.
Email [email protected] to donate your seed pods.
Reduce Pesticides
Pesticides are never fully exclusive. This means they are going to harm most everything they come into contact with. A new class of pesticides of particular concern are neonicotinoids. As a systemic chemical, they make their way into all parts of the plant whether through spray applications or seed coating. The toxins then enter the system of any animal that eats any part of the plant, causing serious illness or death. Avoid these and all pesticides by
- Planting native – these species are more naturally resistant to pests.
- Asking before you buy – ask store managers if their plants or seeds have ever been treated. Request neonic-free options!
- Shopping local – support nurseries and stores in your area that don’t use pesticides.
- Finding natural remedies – some time-tested solutions exist for ridding your plants of problematic wildlife. Search online or chat with fellow gardeners to find what works for you.
- Educating others – tell friends, neighbors, and family about the deadly consequences of pesticides to monarch butterflies and important pollinators.
Community Science Opportunities
You can participate in community science opportunities to save monarchs by reporting monarch sightings via Journey North, report monarch eggs and larva via Monarch Joint Venture, and report migrating monarchs (typically in the fall) with Monarch Watch.
Rear and Release?
In recent years, many people have tried to help monarchs by captive rearing caterpillars and later releasing adult butterflies. At this time, it is recommended to avoid captive rearing of monarchs, which has been linked to lower survivorship and the transmission of diseases, read more.
Cut Back Tropical Milkweed
Cut back tropical (non-native) milkweed in mid-October to discourage monarchs from overwintering in Delaware and to help reduce disease transmission. Even better, plant native milkweed and other pollinator-friendly plants in your own garden. Use the native plant finder from the National Wildlife Federation.
North American Songbird SAFE
North American Songbird SAFE focuses on minimizing some of the main threats to songbirds including:
- Bird collisions with glass and encouraging visitors to adopt best practices at home
- Increasing effective messaging regarding domestic cat impacts on wildlife
- Preserving and building native habitats on AZA members’ grounds and in the communities they serve
- Reducing contaminants that affect North American songbirds
- Increasing bird friendly behavior through education and creating empathy
- Ending the trafficking of North American songbirds
What the zoo is doing
To prevent the deadly threat of window collisions, staff has applied various decals to windows throughout the zoo. Birds don’t perceive glass as a solid object especially if it reflects nearby trees or bushes. Colliding with glass is often fatal, if not immediately then later due to severe injury. The American Bird Conservancy has a number of solutions for both homeowners and businesses.
Habitat loss is a serious threat to wildlife including songbirds. A number of plantings throughout the zoo were planned with this in mind. Outside the front gate, native boneset, mountain mint, cardinal flower, aster, and pokeweed grow. Purple coneflower and black-eyed Susan are also there. Come fall we let these flowers go to seed, providing a food source for various songbird species like American goldfinches and chickadees. Behind our Honeybee Exhibit, you will see the Pollinator Garden that was installed in 2022. Ten species of native plants were donated for it by North Creek Nurseries. Again, those that provide seed for songbirds are left as food during the fall and winter.
Songbirds readily visit the bird feeders we have in the back of our Nature Play space. Guests can view them from our Bird Blind, minimizing disturbance. Posters are mounted on the wall to help with identification. When viewed from the walking path, the backside of the blind showcases different bird boxes one can install to help cavity nesters like wood ducks, American kestrels, and wrens.
Migrating songbirds need proper habitat when they aren’t in the U.S. For those overwintering in South America, coffee farms become a destination. We encourage coffee drinkers to buy bird-friendly coffee which is sourced from certified farms that maintain healthy ecosystems in which birds and other wildlife can thrive. It’s available for purchase right in our gift shop! Visit our Bird Friendly Coffee page for more information.
The zoo participates in a variety of citizen science projects to aid in bird conservation. During February, observations are made over the course of four days for the Great Backyard Bird Count. From November into April data is submitted as part of Project FeederWatch through Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Random counts are also conducted onsite throughout the year and submitted to eBird, also managed by Cornell Lab.
We celebrate the fascinating phenomenon of migration during Migratory Bird Day. Some species we see in Delaware during the summer leave for more reliable food sources come fall. The cycle continues in the spring when they arrive here again. Each year there is a different theme, managed by Environment for the Americas.
Throughout the zoo are exhibitors with relevance to the theme, or birds in general, and many vendors create products to accompany it. Fun activities like story time or crafts are often incorporated into the celebration.
What you can do
- Avoid pesticides, especially neonicotinoids
- Treat windows to prevent bird strikes
- Turn lights off at night
- Keep cats indoors
- Participate in citizen science projects
- Plant native
- Buy bird-friendly coffee
- Avoid single-use plastics