Zoo Wish List
Enrichment is an integral part of our jobs as zoo keepers and it is one of the many ways we keep the animals healthy and stimulated, both mentally and physically. We offer our animals enrichment and incorporate operant conditioning training on a daily basis. By offering the animals enrichment, we expose them to a wide variety of stimuli, and hopefully elicit some of their natural behaviors. Training and enrichment also help to enhance zoo visitor experiences by allowing visitor’s to observe the animals, their natural behaviors, and hear about the work that goes into daily care for each animal.
The Brandywine Zoo is located in the heart of Wilmington, Delaware, and is home to a variety of animals from around the world. The zoo is undergoing a multi-phase master plan expansion, while keepers continue to exceed the best practices in animal welfare and husbandry.
Your donations help us achieve our goals.
THANK YOU from the animals and keepers at The Brandywine Zoo!
Give through Amazon
- Purchase items from our Amazon.com Wish List. Pick out zoo keeper approved items from our Wish List to provide toys and enrichment to a variety of our animals!
You can support our educational programming by choosing an item from our Conservation Education Wishlist on Amazon.com such as a book that may be used in our Storytime programs, and more!
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