Our Zoo Re-imagined

Imagine this… a new look—new habitats—new guest experiences

For more than 120 years, the Brandywine Zoo has been a landmark in Wilmington and a beloved destination for generations of Delawareans. This jewel is undergoing significant changes chartered by the Zoo’s Master Plan that re-imagines the Zoo with a balanced project approach between infrastructure, guest services, and modern animal habitats.

As the plan unfolds, there will be both public and behind-the-scenes changes. To accomplish this transformation, the Delaware Zoological Society is asking for your help by contributing to the capital campaign called Our Zoo Re-imagined. Contact Mark Shafer at (302) 407-4413.

A transformation that will benefit our animals, our guests, and our community

Our Zoo Re-imagined

Masterplan progress report
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3 Raising Funds
Phase 4

The Brandywine Zoo is a true public-private partnership; the care and management of the Zoo’s land and animals is managed by Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) and fundraising and business operations are managed by the Delaware Zoological Society, the Brandywine Zoo’s nonprofit partner organization.

For more information, contact Mark Shafer at (302) 407-4413 or email [email protected].

Thank you for investing in our Community with a contribution to the Delaware Zoological Society’s Capital Campaign in support of The Brandywine Zoo.

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